Camping Vendée » Camping near the nature reserve

The nature reserve of the casse de la belle henriette

The nature reserve of the Belle Henriette break is located in front of the campsite Les Violettes, so you can take advantage of your free time to observe and explore. The national nature reserve was created on 31 August 2011 and covers a total area of 337 hectares, mainly on the maritime domain.

The reserve is managed by the LPO (League for the Protection of Birds) and the AFB (French Agency for Biodiversity).

La Casse de la belle Henriette is an important reserve for the conservation and observation of numerous bird species. Over 250 species of birds have been observed over the years. Depending on the season, you can observe the Short-eared Owl, the Brent Goose, the Osprey and the Caspian Tern.
It is also an important reserve for bird breeding, especially for species such as the Ring-necked Plover, the Blackbird and the Meadow Pipit. The reserve is also important for the conservation of plant species.

After being disconnected by man from the ocean some fifty years ago, the lagoon has been naturally connected to the sea again since 2014.
Nearly 360 plant species have been recorded in the reserve, 32 of which have an important heritage value and 10 of which are protected (French ollet, Jaubert’s odontitis, etc.) at regional and national level. The reserve is accessible to visitors within the limits and respect of the developed and marked paths.

According to one study, 11% of plant species are of national conservation concern, one of which, the Euphorbia peplis, is now considered to be
priority. The other species are French endemics.